Jan 22, 2011

The World’s Fastest Growing Palm Tree

Palms, when compared to many other types of trees, tend to be slow growers.  One of the most comprehensive studies examining palm growth was undertaken in 2001 by Fairchild Tropical Garden and recorded by the "Journal of the International Palm Society." The lifetime growth rate was studied in approximately 140 different palm species.  The study found that the roundleaf fan palm (Livistona robinsoniana) is the fastest growing palm tree.  This native of the Philippines grows about 22 inches a year.

Never heard of it?  It’s totally possible that is not available or appropriate for where you live.  Don’t worry, there are many readily available types of palms that will grow and establish at a reasonable rate in your yard.  Bear in mind, that many fast growing palms may not be appropriate for residential landscapes, given their eventual scale compared to your house.  Regardless of the species, to encourage palm growth, plant it according to species-specific guidelines and fertilize it regularly. Look for a nitrogen-rich fertilizer specifically formulated for palms.

Fastest Growing Palm Tree
The International Palm Society: Growth Rates of Palms in Fairchild Tropical Garden

"Florida, My Eden;" Frederic B. Stresau; 1986

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