Mar 19, 2011

The World’s Largest Blueberry

The Chandler blueberry bush is a large, attractive shrub that is probably best known for producing the world’s largest blueberry. Blueberries on this plant are between 1/4 inch and 1 inch in diameter. Fruit on mature plants is about the size of a quarter. Chandler blueberry plants also have the longest ripening season of any blueberry cultivar, providing 6 weeks of juicy, delicious fruit during the late summer. The Chandler blueberry is highly pest- and disease-resistant and self-pollinating.These vigorous, upright bushes grow 5-7 feet tall and provide consistently high yields within US Hardiness Zones 4-9.

Site Selection - Chandler blueberries require acid soil, ideally with a pH between 4.2 and 5.2. Place in full sunlight for optimal fruit production. While Chandler blueberries are self-pollinating, cross-pollination tends to produce higher fruit yields. Place at least two different varieties, with similar bloom times, in close proximity to one another.

Pruning - Pruning limits the plant size and encourages a good balance of fruit and vegetative growth.Prune the Chandler blueberry bush annually in the winter beginning the third year after planting.  Remove about a quarter of the oldest branches, called canes, during each pruning session.

The Size of a Chandler Blueberry Bush; Christine McLachlan; February 2011Mississippi State University; Establishment and Maintenance of Blueberries; John H. Braswell; 2009
University of Florida IFAS; Blueberry Gardener's Guide; Jeff Williamson and Paul Lyrene; April 2004
University of Connecticut Plant Database: Vaccinium corymbosum

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